

When the devil ignores you, then you’re doing something wrong. When he’s coming at you, it’s probably because you’re doing something right or good. — Denzel Washington ~ Source:

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Put God first. Put God first in everything you do. Everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that it's a gift. I've been protected, I've been directed, I've been corrected. I've kept God in my life and it's kept me humble. I didn't always stick with him, but He always stuck with me. So stick with Him, in everything you do. If you think you wanna do, what you've think I've done, then do what I've done and stick with God. — Denzel Washington ~ Source:

It worked for Denzel Washington. It seems to be working for me. Who's to say it's not going to work for you?

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“Those who are at war with others, are not at peace with themselves.” – William Hazlit ~Source:

Makes sense. And is similar to the idea that, the negative comments and criticism that you get online, is not a reflection of you, but rather, a reflection of the person giving out the criticism.

That said, this also goes the other way. If you are the one always giving out negative comments and always criticizing other people, then what does it say about you?

#Quotes #Psychology

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