

I started this blog with the intention of regularly posting at least once a week. Obviously, I haven't been posting for a while now. So what happened?

What happened was I started using Freedom. Around the same time I started this blog, I was already looking for ways to curb my internet addiction. You see, I'm somewhat addicted to the internet. I normally would log on at 10PM, do my blogging, then continue browsing till next thing I know, it's already 1 or 2AM. I wanted to put a stop to that. And that's how I found Freedom.

Freedom is an app that can restrict your browser or app usage on multiple devices. I have it installed on my desktop computer right now. It is set to block all internet use starting at 10PM. And it is so damn effective, that when the clock strikes 10PM, I end up doing something else because I cannot browse the internet. I did not realize it would stop me from blogging on here, but that was an unintentional side effect of trying to curb my internet addiction.

Screenshot of Freedom in action.